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Step 10: Turn the box (lid and body) to the desired shape as a unit. The design of the lid determines how long you can leave the tailstock in place. When do have to remove the tailstock, you will have to take lighter cuts. If the lid pops off when turning the tip, just stop the lathe and put it back on and try again with a light touch. If you can't get it to stay on, just tape it to the body with masking tape. Sand and apply a finish to the outside of the box.
Step 11: To finish the bottom of the box you can use a "Jam
Chuck" or use a trick I learned from Alan Lacer to finish the bottoms
of bowls.
a) Jam Chuck method: To make a jam chuck, fasten a scrap piece
of wood to a small faceplate and true it up on the lathe. Cut a
shallow groove in the wood which will accommodate the lip of the box
body. Put the lip of the box into the jam chuck groove and move the
tailpiece into the center mark on the bottom. Then turn the bottom
making it somewhat concave and leaving a small (as small as you feel
comfortable) piece in the center where the tail center is attached
(about 1/8"). Sand and apply a finish to the bottom of the box.
Remove the box from the lathe, cut off the little piece of wood in
the center of the bottom using a chisel (be careful not to cut
yourself) and sand smooth. Add more finish to the bottom of the box.
b) Method learned from Alan Lacer: I take a dowel that is almost as large as the inside of the box and glue a piece of rubber to the end. I then clamp it in place with the chuck, slide the box over the dowel so the inside bottom is against the rubber tip of the dowel. Then move the tailpiece into the center mark on the bottom and turn on the lathe to assure the box turns true. Now, turn the bottom making it somewhat concave and leaving a small (as small as you feel comfortable) piece in the center where the tail center is attached. Sand and apply a finish to the bottom of the box. Remove the box from the lathe, cut off the little piece of wood in the center of the bottom and sand smooth. Add more finish to the bottom of the box.
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This site developed and maintained by Ken Grunke ~ Text and graphics by Charlie Cadenhead, © January 2002