CRW Insurance

This page provides links to useful documents, providing a process for CRW members to take advantage of the CRW accident insurance plan and additional information.
* Click on any of links below to access each document.

Brief directions - CRW members, use this to get started.

External Activity Attendee Accident Insurance Form - fill out this form when attending an event such as art fair demonstration, demo at nursing home, Norskedalen, etc.

Mentoring Workshop Attendee Accident Insurance Form - fill out this form when attending any mentoring event such as working at someone's home shop.

CRW Accident Insurance Policy- Document of Understanding

Accident Insurance Claim Form

Accident Policy through Gerber Life Insurance Company - accident policy located in CRW library

General Liability Policy through The Cincinnati Insurance Company - CRW's liability policy for CRW members located in CRW library

Liability Insurance through Travelers Insurance for AAW Members Only - CRW's liability policy for members who are also AAW members, located in CRW library


* you will need Adobe Reader to read these documents. Reader is a free program, that allows your computer to read .pdf documents. For Windows, available at

For Macintosh, available at